Barnes & Noble expands stores carrying Moomin books and products in the US. Moomin products are now available in 260 stores nationwide!
Reports that has began licensed distribution of a limited-edition series of posters and prints created by artist Marques Vickers. Information on Vickers' deal with Franciscan Estates Winery; Mediums used by Vickers to market its art works....
巴诺联合联想重新推出10.1英寸平板电脑,为书虫们提供"两全其美"的阅读体验:既可以通过巴诺应用访问数百万本电子书,还可以体验现代经济型平板电脑的一切功能。Nook平板电脑采用全金属机身包裹,并采用10.1英寸全高清IPS显示屏,相对较薄的边框提供了85%的屏占比,并通过TÜV莱茵爱眼认证,确保蓝光的破坏性保持较低。 官方...
if you've performed well enough long enough to have received several annual raises. However, being part-time and minimum wage is not fulfilling for anyone. Thankfully the company has decided to start paying new employees more than minimum wage and I hope to see morale go up in the future....