最近访问:Barnes & Noble Education Inc --- 全球指数美股行情美股吧国际期货 - -- 今开: - 最高价: - 成交量: - 外盘: - 昨收: - 最低价: - 成交额: - 内盘: - 总股本: - 振幅: - 换手率: - 每股收益TTM: - 总市值: - 市净率MRQ: - ...
The pandemic has accelerated higher education’s transformation. Now, a fresh environment is emerging – one that needs to be more flexible, highly personalized and laser-focused on new outcomes, well-being and lifelong learning. See new insights from students, faculty and administrators in our lat...
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Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. (NYSE: BNED) is a leading solutions provider for the education industry, driving affordability, access and achievement at hundreds of academic institutions nationwide and ensuring millions of students are equipped for success in the classroom and beyond. Through its fa...
Barnes & Noble’s online bookstore for books, NOOK ebooks & magazines. Shop music, movies, toys & games, too. Receive free shipping with your Barnes & Noble Membership.
MICHAEL N. ROSEN SecretaryNew York, New York May 1, 1999x/ No fee required
Barnes & Noble Education, Inc (BNED.US) 納斯達克 (美元) 升跌 成交量 買價(延遲) 前收市價/開市 / 升跌(%) 市值 賣價(延遲) 波幅 市盈率(倍)1 /TTM2 每股盈利 (美元)1 -23.7500 收益率3 /TTM4 派息比率 /每股派息 (美元)3 N/A 市賬率(倍) /資產淨值5 交易所 NYSE ...
Barnes & Noble Education, Inc.是美国大学和大学校园以及K-12机构最大的物理和虚拟书店合同运营商之一。该公司还是最大的教科书批发商,库存管理硬件和软件提供商之一,以及领先的数字教育解决方案提供商。该公司经营着1419家实体,虚拟和自定义书店,为超过600万学生提供服务,在动态的全渠道零售环境中提供基本的教育内容...
“BarnesAndNoble.comdoesn’tship to my country.” Have you seen an item onBarnesAndNobleinc.comonly to find out Barnes & Noble doesn’t ship from the US to your home country? We understand that frustration, and we're here to fix it. Thanks to MyUS, you no longer have to ask, "Do...
Barnes & Noble Education Inc是一家在美国各地学院和大学校园内的书店经营商。该公司也提供数字教育服务。该公司运营三个可报告分部,包括:零售分部,为现有和潜在客户提供灵活的实体、虚拟或定制商店解决方案;批发分部,包括批发和虚拟零售履行,以及MBS子公司的支持业务;企业服务分部,代表未分配的共享服务成本,包括企业层...