Associate (离职员工) - Hartford, CT - 2013年9月29日 Day starts at a good time and the distance from home made the commute very pleasant. Management was always involved during the course of the day and was very knowledgable of the stores workings. The co workers were students and clerks ...
02/11/2001 - Resist Temptation To Scrap It; 'Love, Etc.' Worth Enduring An Offensive Character - Lloyd Cole, Hartford Courant02/09/2001 - An Old Love Triangle Reassembled in a New Decade - Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times p.E-45...
07/11/2004 - Fear of the End - John Freeman, Hartford Courant (Connecticut) p.G3 [Reprinted as "Lemon Table Is Searing Look at Aging." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 18 July 2004 p.F12 and as "Aging, With Bathos and Gallows Humor." Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY)] 07/11/2004 - Oran...