South Nodaway Elementary is a public school located in Barnard, MO, which is in a distant rural setting. The student population of South Nodaway Elementary is 94 and the school serves PK-6. At South Nodaway Elementary, 42% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, an...
Macnaughton MO, Thormar J, Berge J (2007) Sympagic amphipods in the Arctic pack ice: redescriptions of Eusirus holmii Hansen, 1887 and Pleusymtes karstensi (Barnard 1959). Polar Biol 30:1013–1025Macnaughton MO, Thormar J, Berge J (2007) Sympagic amphipods in the Arctic pack ice:...
Barnard, J. (2006) Biological Nutrient Removal: Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going? CD Rom Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 79th Annual Conference & Exposition (WEFTEC), Dallas, TX, October 22-26, 2006.Barnard, J. (2006). Biological Nutrient Removal: Wher...
Relation between pigeon and Xenopus kainate receptors: An immunological study: A. Ambrosini, P. Streit and E.A. Barnard. MRC Molecular Neurobiology Unit, MRC Centre, CB2 2QH, Cambridge, U.K., and Brain Research Inst., Univ. of Zurich, CH...