It’s hard to argue with the success of the third-gen Corona, it was the first one offered here in the U.S. and this body style is the one to have. We’ve all seen the four-door sedan version many times here on Barn Finds, but we’ve only seen a handful of the two-door har...
The graffiti-like Cybertruck graphic on the tailgateis also a wrap and that would instantly go away if this were my truck, but I like the white wrap/film. We’ve only seen one Teslahere on Barn Finds, way back in February of 2018, and some would say that’s enough. Tesla Motors is...
Although your newly-found rusty old Barn Finds are going to take some time to restore to their former glory, those of you that have earned a crazy amount of credits will be able to 1.6 million to have them fixed up right away. But make sure you don’t do this by accident! Just like...
Before you get started with TuneECU you should be aware that you can cause some serious damage to your ECU (and your bike) if you don’t know what your are doing, so please read all the tutorial information on the website and watch the various YouTube videos. I found TuneECU to inva...
” Follow up album Hypocrite, is a remarkable work of self-reflection that finds comfort in facing the uncomfortable head-on. The arrangements are lush and hypnotic, and the writing is as raw and vulnerable as it gets, confronting everything from religion and trauma to body image and ...
Gold (with Amelia White): CARTER’S WEBSITE: CALLAGHAN | Duo Show "Breathtaking...absolutely incredible" is how BBC London's Gaby Roslin describes hearing Callaghan live. Originally from the UK Callaghan moved from...
Arthur’s greed gets the best of him as he realizes he can take Eula’s money and sell Houston to farrier and fellow trader, John Cobb. John has two sons, Benn and Jess. John finds out first hand Houston is dangerous. But just like Sage, he sees the young horse’s potential. He ...
We see our share of C2 Corvettes here atBarn Finds, but this one caught my eye because it is one of the nicest survivors that I’ve seen for a while. I am pretty sure thatBarn FinderPat L probably feels the same way. So thank you for referring it to us, Pat. It has been metic...
We have shown a few snowmobiles here onBarn Findsover the last few years and they’re really only useful for areas that get snow.. (says Cap’n Obvious). Something like this 1969 Playcat is useful year-round no matter where a person lives. Well, ok, Manhattan might be a stretch but...
Here’s a synopsis of that episode on YouTube. The power isn’t anything like an E30 M3 but it’s reasonably close at 170 horsepower from this 2.5L M20B25 six-cylinder. Dare I say that BMW makes some of the best six-cylinder engines of anyone, maybe ever? It’s too late, I just...