1.4c, combine monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and digital circuitry fabricated on high-frequency semiconductor substrates, such as gallium arsenide or gallium nitride, to produce high-performance, high-efficiency, low-weight, low-cost, and small-size modules (Fenn et al., 2000). ...
Crystal structureSemiconductivityCharge-density wavesElectrical propertiesOptical propertiesThe electronic band structure, valence electron charge density and optical susceptibilities of tetrabarium gallium trinitride (TGT) were calculated via first principle study. The electronic band structure calculation describes...
Cubic boron nitride (c-BN) powder mixed with epoxy was used as an insulating layer. We filled the chamber with MgO and compressed it to about 5 GPa. Then, in the obtained transparent MgO layer, a hole with diameter about 40μm was drilled by laser. UV lithography was used to prepare ...
The resulting material was intensely ground and placed in boron nitride crucibles before being transferred into MgO octahedra with an edge length of 14 mm. High-pressure high-temperature synthesis in a multi-anvil Walker-type module for one to five hours was realized at pressures between 12(2) ...