Barista FIRE是最务实的“早退选项”Barista意思是咖啡师,象征自己向往的兼职工作;FIRE为“财务独立,尽早退休”(Financial Independence Retire Early)缩写。Barista FIRE指离开职场后,找份简单兼职,或至少让户头有某种形式进账,以维持基本生活所需,也让你有雇主分摊保险费,同时以空闲时间,好好享受退休生活。它...
BARISTA 贝瑞斯塔 西雅图 综合滤挂 蓝山风味 挂耳咖啡 8g*20包盒 西雅图蓝山滤挂8g*5包散包 0+条评论 暂无报价 BARISTA 贝瑞斯塔 西雅图 综合滤挂 蓝山风味 挂耳咖啡 8g*20包盒 西雅图综合滤挂8g*5包散包 0+条评论 暂无报价 BARISTA 贝瑞斯塔 西雅图 综合滤挂 蓝山风味 挂耳咖啡 8g*20包盒 贝瑞斯塔蓝...
不不不,你们就做twins,很好(✪▽✪)//@鍾欣潼:#容祖儿李斯丹妮合作新歌# “鵝蛋組合”好有趣😂 加上我和阿sa應該叫什麼呢?【转发】@容祖儿:《So Fresh》終於同大家見面啦!好開心好激動因為太久都沒有出歌了,新歌...
青山妩媚-BaristaFIRE版 24-02-10 13:41 发布于 江苏 来自 打工仔.Android 上一次,一袭红衣,让我难忘至今的,还是巩皇在《古今大战秦俑情》里面的造型。这一次,居然是李云霄期待明天下午的《江南临海》MV#李云霄 江南临海# @台州府城文化旅游区 #李云霄礼物揭秘#速来围观~龙年新春之际,@李云霄-lyx 和台...
✓ Any stove can be used as a heat source: gas, electricity, induction or even a campfire Patented technology for real espresso Strong and harmonious taste, smooth texture, enchanting aroma. And that's exactly the kind of delicious espresso you want at home. Then forget compromises like Mok...
docker firebase nightmarejs barista fireadmin Updated Jul 6, 2018 JavaScript Load more… Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to the barista topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. Curate this topic Add this topic to your repo To associate you...
Ive been in the industry for 2 years, enrolling to their masterclass ignites sparks and fire within me once again. Cant wait to take this teaching back to Indonesia! I might be back in few years hahahaha SEE YOU MCA. Tom Menguy Feb 28, 2025 I wanted to share my experience at the...
They constantly make new changes that make baristas jobs more difficult and add no actual value, but create buzzwords that the ceo can brag about to investors so he can get a raise and so the stocks go up, meanwhile each store is still a dumpsterfire. 优点 benefits 缺点 everything else ...