Starting at 6th level, when you cast a bard spell that deals damage or restores hit points through the Spiritual Focus, roll a d6, and you gain a bonus to one damage or healing roll of the spell equal to the number rolled. Tales from Beyond ...
Bardsung, for all its filler, at least tries to scale stuff up. I think the main problem is the genre. There are no good coop dungeon crawlers that dont have to lean heavily into other genres (like Gloomhaven) because the difficulty scaling and adapting to heroes capabilities is beyond the...
If you start arguing that the designers are just sloppy or mistaken, then you are going to go down a deep rabbit hole of doubt.[1]:[2]:[3]:https://...
Link Here: of rock&filter-author=&filter-author-previous=&filter-author-symbol=&filter-parent-class=1&filter-rating=-40 use GuardingLight's one #641 Yvroan View User Profile Send Message Posted Jun 19, ...
Mystical Connection lets you roll twice when using your Tales from Beyond feature. You can choose which result you want to resolve. If you roll the same number on both dice, you can choose any effect. Best Bard stats From most important to least, these are theDnD statsa Bard should prior...
D&D Beyond Forums Class Forums Bard DDB PLAYER APP - BARD Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum DDB PLAYER APP - BARD#1 Mar 12, 2021 eightyocho View User Profile View Posts Send Message Novice Location: Jersey City, NJ Join Date: 10/3/...
Yeah, but there's no DnD-style lute weapons in the game. Are you arguing that they can't create them? Or that they won't? I disagree. Going from a rocker to the pied piper is a huge leap beyond the scope of specialization differences. Yes, which is the same huge leap we h...
Hello all! I am a huge fan of the college of creation subclass, I think it offers players who think outside the box more ways to play. However I feel as thou...
So, the DM for our group made a really powerful homebrew race (I think it's a bit too overpowered). Among it's many powerful abilities is an automatic level ...
Greetings all! I was fiddling around with the College of Swords subclass, and discovered the potent effects of a two-level dip into Paladin. I realized the m...