BarcodeScannerTriggerPressed 發行項 2017/10/09 本文內容 Syntax Requirements This event occurs when the barcode scanner trigger is pressed. The data buffer for this event is as follows. Syntax 複製 typedef struct _PosEventDataHeader { // Event enumeration value PosEventType EventType; // ...
Windows.Devices.Input Windows.Devices.Input.Preview Windows.Devices.Lights Windows.Devices.Lights.Effects Windows.Devices.Midi Windows.Devices.Perception Windows.Devices.Perception.Provider Windows.Devices.PointOfService Windows.Devices.PointOfService.Provider Windows.Devices.PointOfService....
BarcodeScanner samplefor JavaScript, Visual Basic, and C++/CX (archived) System requirements Windows 10 Build the sample If you download the samples ZIP, be sure to unzip the entire archive, not just the folder with the sample you want to build. ...
扫描的数据长度可变,由 PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData 结构组成,后跟原始扫描数据的 ScanDataLength 字节,后跟已解码扫描数据的 ScanDataLabelLength 字节,其中删除了页眉和页脚信息,仅保留扫描程序数据。 此事件的数据缓冲区如下所示。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData { Pos...
phonegap plugin add Supported Platforms Android iOS Windows (Windows/Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10) Windows Phone 8 BlackBerry 10 Browser Note: the Android source for this project includes an Android Library Project. plugman currently...
Bluetooth Barcode Scanner for iPhone iPad Android Tablet PC, Support Mac OS X, Android, Windows 10 and ipad IOS 9 With the scanner's CCD sensor Engine Support reading linear barcode directly from a Computer Screen and mobile phone Easy your work trigger the button then the barcode scanner will...
BarcodeScannerTriggerReleased Learn 登录 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 POS 设备驱动程序设计指南 POS 驱动程序示例 条形码扫描仪蓝牙服务 UUID 条形码扫描仪事件 条形码扫描仪事件 BarcodeScannerDataReceived BarcodeScannerErrorOccurred BarcodeScannerImagePreviewReceived...
phonegap plugin add phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner --variable ANDROID_SUPPORT_V4_VERSION="27.1.1" Supported Platforms Android iOS Windows (Windows/Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10) Browser Note: the Android source for this project includes an Android Library Project. plugman currently doesn't suppor...
phonegap plugin add phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner --variable ANDROID_SUPPORT_V4_VERSION="27.1.1" Supported Platforms Android iOS Windows (Windows/Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10) Browser Note: the Android source for this project includes an Android Library Project. plugman currently doesn't suppor...
The Barcode Scanner and QR Code Reader performs superior barcode scanning and recognition for barcode types and sub-types such as UPC, EAN, Code 128, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF417 and more. • Read barcodes from still frame image files. • Suppor