Dynamsoft Barcode ReaderSDK一款多功能的条码读取控件,只需要几行代码就可以将条码读取功能嵌入到Web或桌面应用程序。这可以节省数月的开发时间和成本。能支持多种图像文件格式以及从摄像机或扫描仪获取的DIB格式。使用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK,你可以创建强大且实用的条形码扫描仪软件,以满足你的业务需求。 Dynamsoft...
import os from dynamsoft_barcode_reader_bundle import * if __name__ == "__main__": try: # 1 Initialize license. # The string "DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9" here is a free public trial license. Note that network connection is required for this license to work. # You...
在本文中,我将向您展示如何在Python中使用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader,并将其性能与ZXing和ZBar进行比较。 在Python中使用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 安装Python包: pip install dbr== 下面是一些简单用法: from dbr import DynamsoftBarcodeReader dbr_reader = DynamsoftBarcodeReader() dbr_reader.Init...
安装Dynamsoft Python的条码SDK,这对于Python 3.6,3.7和3.8: pip install dbr 申请免费试用许可证以解锁所有功能。 在tello.py中创建条形码阅读器对象: from dbr import * self.reader = BarcodeReader() self.reader.init_license(‘LICENSE-KEY’) 初始化参数并启动视频模式: parameters = self.reader.init_frame...
Create a Reader Class A reader class is created. It can decode the barcodes in an image file and return a dict containing the decoded results. Please note that DBR is a commercial SDK. It requires a license to run. You can apply for a trial licensehere. ...
architecture=dcv&product=dbr&utm_source=samples&package=python error = BarcodeReader.init_license("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9") if error[0] != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK: print("License error: "+ error[1]) # 2.Create an instance of Barcode Reader. reader = BarcodeReader.get_...
Barcode WEBCAM BARCODE CAMERA PYTHON QT DBRV9.X In my previous article, I shared how to use PyQt and Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to create a simple Windows-styled GUI app to read barcodes from image files. Now I am going to add a little bit more code to scan...
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("QR.png", DecodeType.QR)) { foreach (BarCodeResult result in reader.ReadBarCodes()) Console.WriteLine($"{result.CodeTypeName}:{result.CodeText}"); } 用Java识别二维码 您可以通过以下步骤识别二维码: ...
docker login docker push yushulx/dynamsoft-barcode-reader:python-3.8 将本地文件夹挂载到Docker容器 我将Windows文件夹安装到Linux容器,并使用Python 3.8运行Python脚本。 打开Docker桌面的设置,并选择共享驱动器: 运行以下命令将Windows文件夹安装到Linux容器: docker run -it --rm -v d:/code/docker:/dynam...
安装OpenCV-Python以捕获网络摄像头视频流: arch-x86_64$(whichpython3)-mpipopencv-python 1. 打开相机并实时显示视频流: importcv2ascv cap=cv.VideoCapture(0) whileTrue: _ret,frame=cap.read() ifnot_ret: break cv.imshow('BarcodeReader',frame) ...