今年11月初谈了定期ISA存款账户,存了此税年的ISA(Individual Savings Account),然后就一直忙于工作。12月初收到银行的信说我2022-23税年存的定期ISA快到期了,如果我什么也不做就自动变成可以随时支取的ISA(instant-access ISA)。因为工作忙,我也就没怎么理会,想到期再说。可是圣诞休假后一看,随时支取的ISA利率...
The Barclays Instant Cash ISA offers two tiers of tax-free interest, depending on the balance in your account. You can open it with just £1, or transfer in an existing ISA. You can withdraw your money anytime. 2-Year Flexible Cash ISA This 2-year account offers a fixed rate of int...