Barbour英国 sapper萨帕夹棉油蜡夹克外套男士涂蜡棉服 olive 橄榄绿 40=L图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Men's Barbour Beacon Waxed Cotton Sports Jacket Olive $745 Men's Barbour Bleaberry Midweight Wax Jacket Fern $595 Men's Barbour Ogston Waxed Cotton Jacket Navy $495 Men's Barbour Ogston Waxed Cotton Jacket Olive $495 Men's Barbour Sapper Wax Army Jacket Black ...
2010年入坑的第一件蜡棉外套Barbour sapper jacket, Barbour Sapper Jacket在GQ 09年某期的Build to last被提到过,该文介绍了从JOHN LOBB到PRADA的六个奢侈品牌。 这款夹克源自英军战壕军衣,外面四口袋,一个纵向地图口袋,领口和袖口为灯芯绒衬里,竖领内有风帽,腰间有调节松紧的束绳,肘部有加强补丁,袖口可调节。后...
Sapper: If you want to stand out from the Barbour-wearing crowd, try this military-style field jacket, which comes with a stowaway hood and an adjustable drawstring waist. Perfect for days when you might face a bit of light rain. Liddesdale: The company’s signature quilted jacket. Not as...