Barbie and the Diamond Castle: Directed by Gino Nichele. With Kelly Sheridan, Melissa Lyons, Cassidy Ladden, Chantal Strand. Two best friends, Liana and Alexa, embark on a journey to find the Diamond Castle! With the help of music, the girls overcome cha
芭比和她的好朋友泰瑞莎(Teresa),在2008年伊始,携手联袂主演了一部最新的动画片,即芭比之钻石城堡(Barbie&Teresa In The Diamond Castle)。依然是魔幻风格的动画电影,然而这一次,并不是我们惯常看到的王子公主的故事哦。这次的主角既是...演职人员(25) Gino Nichele 导演 Elana Lesser 编剧 Cliff Ruby 编剧...
Barbie and The Diamond CastleBARBIE® AND TERESA star as best friends whose loyalty is put to the test when the evil muse Lydia tempts them with gems and jewels to reveal the secret of the Diamond Castle! The soon-to-be-classic Barbie™ & the Diamond Castle DVD movie is retold in ...
>芭比公主之钻石城堡 Barbie and the Diamond Castle 片长:79分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 导演:Gino Nichele 原名:Barbie and the Diamond Castle 上映日期:2008-09-04(美国) 简体中文名:芭比公主之钻石城堡 imdb编号:tt1294138 类型:动画, 家庭, 歌舞
解析 芭比之钻石城堡(Barbie& The Diamond Castle )介绍在很远的地方,一片有着音乐与魔法的土地,住着两个漂亮的女孩.丽安娜和爱丽莎(芭比和特丽莎).她们是会分享一切的最好的朋友,特别是她们对歌唱的喜爱.有一天,当她... 结果一 题目 芭比之钻石城堡(Barbie& The Diamond Castle ) 简介 答案 芭比之钻石城堡...
梅洛蒂告诉两个女孩,有一个地方叫做“钻石城堡”,那里是音乐爱好者们的天堂。可是,邪恶的缪斯莉迪亚(凯思林·巴尔 Kathleen Barr 配音)出现了,想要独占城堡。如今,梅洛蒂的手上有着城堡的钥匙,她要借助女孩们的力量,打倒莉迪亚,重获自由。通往城堡的路途非常遥远,两个天真善良的女孩能够顺利完成任务吗?
same actresses. So right off the bat, this isn’t Barbie & the Diamond Castle. Instead, it is Barbie telling a story that is not about Barbie, but kind of is, and a Diamond Castle does show up, but in reality, it isn’t a castle. Yeah, I will have to break this one down a ...
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芭比之钻石城堡 (Barbie And The Diamond Castle) 《芭比之钻石城堡 剧情简介》- 这是一个充满了魔法和音乐的国度,住著两 …|基于70个网页 2. 芭比公主之钻石城堡 芭比公主之钻石城堡(Barbie and the Diamond Castle)(2008)芭比公主之圣诞颂歌 (Barbie in a Christmas Carol)(2009…wenwen....