Created by Ruth Handler and manufactured by Mattel, Barbie is the most diverse doll line with 35 skin tones, 97 hairstyles, 9 body types and counting. The first Barbie doll was released on March 9, 1959, and now Barbie dolls are currently sold in over 150 countries. There are many other...
09 – The Unstoppable Sales of Barbie Dolls: A Minute-by-Minute Phenomenon Ruth Handler 1961 – Originally published by the Los Angeles Times. Photographer unknown. CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons To grasp the sheer magnitude of Barbie’s popularity, one must delve into the numbers. The fig...
Mattel Wiki A wiki all about Mattel. Peek-a-boo Petites Wiki Wiki for the Peek-a-boo Petites, Mattel's 2008 dolls which have since been discontinued. So In Style Wiki A wiki about So In Style (S.I.S) If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn...