如果没记错的话,国内专柜也有售但是价格高达799元,美国售价是34.95美元。 Barbie Collector官网目前这款售价20.95美元,做到了6折左右,同时参加75美元免美国境内的活动,熟悉这个网站的值友都了解平时运费最低也要9.95美元,只有黑五才能勉强出个50美元免运费活动,适合凑单转运回国。 Po主已经和同事凑单成功了,因为账单地...
娃是2013 Audrey Hepburn™ in Roman Holiday Doll 罗马假日那一款官配则是1996 Barbie® Doll as Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady™ at Ascot的窈窕淑女这也是LZ的第一款娃,当时不知道什么倒三角体、超模体,以至于官配很不合身,不得不一改再改。LZ手工很一般,所以效果也只是差强人意,但是依然是LZ的最...
One of the things I enjoy most about The National Barbie Doll Collector Convention are the amazing One of a Kind (OOAK) artists that bring their creations to the convention. Most of them sell at private shows or in their rooms in the days leading up to the official start of the conventio...
Beautiful doll for a girl to collect This is a beautiful doll and would be great for a collector. Only drawback is the price- I would not recommend this to for a girl who wants to play with the doll for that I would suggest one of the other holiday themed dolls. This a a doll to...
Barbie Collector 2013 Holiday DollCheck PriceA Barbie for EveryoneOne of the things I love the most about the Holiday Barbies is that they make one for blondes, brunettes, redhead as well as the raven hair beauties. Everyone has a particular favorite, usually it is the doll that has their ...
当前规格: Barbie 芭比 Collector 2014 Holiday Doll 芭比娃娃全网比价 美国亚马逊 最低 ¥329.79 商品介绍 完善信息 芭比娃娃(Barbie)是20世纪最广为人知及最畅销的玩偶,由美泰儿公司拥有及生产。芭比娃娃甚至成为了文化符号,几乎已经是全世界小女孩的心爱之物。这款2014年节日收藏款芭比娃娃,身着华贵富丽的...
Last year, Santa brought my daughter her first Barbie and she flat out, loves that doll! Although my daughter is only two years old, she truly enjoys playing with Barbie and her tea set. Adorable! When I heard that the new Barbie Mariposa and The Fairy Princess Doll & DVD was going to...
Barbie 芭比 Holiday Doll 芭比娃娃 目前亚马逊海外购售价降至¥101,多色可选,亚马逊中国prime会员(包括试用会员)可享受订单满¥200免直邮运费,凑单免费直邮中国,税费¥12元,到手¥113。 小编补充:降至好价!适合6-15岁孩子,当然也少不了喜爱收藏芭比娃娃的大孩子们。
Barbie 芭比 Holiday Doll 芭比娃娃 2016年节日收藏款 商品介绍完善信息 芭比娃娃(Barbie)是20世纪最广为人知及最畅销的玩偶,由美泰儿公司拥有及生产。芭比娃娃甚至成为了文化符号,几乎已经是全世界小女孩的心爱之物。这款2016年节日收藏芭比娃娃,晚礼服今年为最流行的蓝色渐层风,湖蓝色的大褶绸缎裙搭配银白色珠光镂空...