Plot and characters Cast The film begins in Barbieland, a world populated by living dolls from the Barbie line oftoys, including a variety of Barbies with different jobs andbody typesand manyKens. Barbieland is made for Barbies, a place where each Barbiedollhas her own dream house and “ev...
The presumptive cast would include: Actor Barbie Role Margot Robbie Barbie Ryan Gosling Ken Michael Cera Allan Related The Barbie Movie Cast & Character Guide Led by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, the Barbie movie's cast is full of A-list actors playing either toy-based characters or original...
Physics Barbie is one of the smartest Barbies in Barbieland (she even has a Nobel Prize!), and Emma Mackey’s looks and charisma brings this Barbie to the forefront of viewer’s memories. Said tohave been cast because she and Margot Robbie could be sisters, Mackey’s filmography has a f...
Before Robbie was cast in the lead role,Amy Schumer(Trainwreck) was going to star as Barbiein a different iteration of the film at Sony. Schumer would later drop out of the film due to creative differences and was later replaced by Academy Award winnerAnne Hathaway(Les Misérables...
Not only that, but the film features a star-studded cast, packed with Barbies and Kens beyond just the central couple, played byMargot RobbieandRyan Gosling. Just like in the toy stores, there's a Doctor Barbie, a President Barbie, a Mermaid Barbie and many more! (All the Ke...
See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by William Lau...(directed by) Writing Credits Amy Wolfram...(written by) Alexandre Dumas...(story: "The Three Musketeers") (uncredited) Ruth Handler...(based on: the Barbie characters created by) ...
See Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Issa Rae, Nicola Coughlan, and more Barbie cast members next to the real Barbie dolls they play.
Become a member to see contact information for Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Box Office Companies News Cast + Add Cast 19 cast members Name Known for Kelly Sheridan Barbie as Corinne (voice) Inuyasha (200...
Barbie: It Takes Two (TV Series 2022) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Michael Cera is a Canadian actor especially known for his comedic portrayals of offbeat and often awkward characters. Cera first garnered attention as George-Michael Bluth in the acclaimed sitcom Arrested Development (2003–06, 2013, 2018–19), and he la