Ken (played by Ryan Gosling) is the hunky counterpart to the titular Barbie from the upcoming live-action film. Barbie and Ken have been iconic toys for decades, and now they're getting the full movie treatment as dolls brought to life. Ken wears several
"Doesn't seem to matter what I do/ I'm always No. 2/ no one knows how hard I try/ I have feelings that I can't explain/ driving me insane/ all my life been so polite/ cause I'm just Ken/ anywhere else I'd be a 10," he sings while wearing outrageous outfits, including ...
If you thought the Barbie movie was all glitz and glam, ah think again. Behind the scenes, Margot Robbie went into full-on gift-giving mode to help Ryan Gosling channel his inner Ken. Every day on set, Margot left a gift for Ryan, each wrapped in a pink bow and dripping in beach ...
From Ken’s “Ken” brand boxers to the matching neon rollerblading outfits and the bedazzled cowboy ensembles, the camp is being served on a hot pink platter, and we are all eating it up! View this post on Instagram A post shared by ET Canada (@etcanada) And that’s okay. Being ...
There are also a ton of Kens in the film, so as Gosling said, there will be a bevy of outfits to choose from. Ryan Gosling is just one of the many Ken actors in Barbie. Greta Gerwig's film features a bunch of variants of both Barbie and Ken. Simu Liu, Kingsley Ben-Adir, John ...
From $16 Everett Collection Hari Nef as Doctor Barbie The Real Doctor Barbie Doll In 1973, Barbie ditched her fashionable style for scrubs whenthe official Doctor Barbie was released. The original doll included two outfits: a set of teal scrubs for procedures and a white lab coat ...
There are iconic outfits, incredible sets and more bubblegum pink than you can imagine. Margot really is the perfect Barbie, isn't she?And our first teaser trailer came in last December, giving fans their first glimpse of Margot and Ryan in action as Barbie and Ken....
Shop the latest in Barbie. Your top destination has all the favorites. From Barbie dolls to Barbie DreamHouse you will find the hottest Barbie toys at
after Barbie and Ken come to the real world and get arrested. They are originally arrested after Barbie punches a man who slaps her behind. They then get out of jail and take new outfits from a store, not understanding they need to pay for them, which leads to them being arrested again...
One of the most memorable outfits of the movie features a floor-length mink coat. Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures While the “Kendom” doesn’t last long (and neither does his toxic masculinity), there’s little doubt that Ken has become a breakout star in his own right — a reputation ...