Ken (played by Ryan Gosling) is the hunky counterpart to the titular Barbie from the upcoming live-action film. Barbie and Ken have been iconic toys for decades, and now they're getting the full movie treatment as dolls brought to life. Ken wears several
In a snippet of his song from the highly anticipated film from director Greta Gerwig, Gosling is seen belting out a song asKen. The clip begins with Gosling as Ken telling Barbie (Margot Robbie), "I just don't know who I am without you," then saying, "It's Barbie and Ken. T...
There are also a ton of Kens in the film, so as Gosling said, there will be a bevy of outfits to choose from. Ryan Gosling is just one of the many Ken actors in Barbie. Greta Gerwig's film features a bunch of variants of both Barbie and Ken. Simu Liu, Kingsley Ben-Adir, John ...
From the moment we saw the photos of Barbie and Ken rollerblading around Venice Beach in matching neon in 2022, the hype has been huge - reaching stratospheric levels in recent weeks thanks to Margot Robbie's vintage pink carpet outfits, and social media's obsess...
Greta Gerwig'sBarbiemovie has been dubbed by critics and fans as one of the most delightful (and viral) cinematic experiences of the year. Brimming with pop culture nods, dazzling sets and brilliantBarbie and Ken outfits, it's evident that every scene has been meticulously crafted. As for th...
After her launch in the late 1950s, Barbie was solo for a couple years. By 1961, however, Ken Carson wasintroduced to the Barbie line of toys. Ken served as a counterpart to Barbie (and arguably Barbie's love interest) and has since also sparked a number of different doll varieties. ...
Ken would look like," Durran says. "It seemed so extreme and over the top, but also just so brilliant. We were really wanting to get that in as a Ken image. And I wasn't sure, because Ryan hadn't started on the movie yet, whether he would be up for this kind of look or not...
Ken, portrayed by Ryan Gosling in the upcoming movie, appears to encapsulate all of the contradictions in the doll’s 60-year history. In a recently released trailer focused on Ken, the character struts around in a series of eye-catching outfits, including a pastel striped beach suit and a...
Matching hot pink spandex outfits keep Barbie (Robbie) and Ken (Gosling) in style, all the way down to his boxer briefs and the neon green rollerblades. Durran is teaming up again with writer-director Gerwig after collaborating on the costumes for “Little Women,” for which Durran won her...
One of the most memorable outfits of the movie features a floor-length mink coat. Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures While the “Kendom” doesn’t last long (and neither does his toxic masculinity), there’s little doubt that Ken has become a breakout star in his own right — a reputation ...