Georgia Sensation Chorus shares a love for music and singing four-part harmony. Any woman of average singing ability, with or without vocal training, will find a part that fits her voice range. As a member, you too can experience the exhilaration of perf
Barbershop is popular around the world and many countries have their own barbershop organizations, many of which preserve the art form and promote traditional barbershop singing. All of the email addresses and websites have been verified so hopefully there will be no broken links! This is a work...
This training not only benefits the member and the Chapter, but also other singing organizations, such as local church choirs, gospel quartets, and choruses. This site provides the chapter's Calendar of practices, as well as Events, along with pages of links to important and interesting...
This article presents information on the Barbershop Harmony Society. Founded in 1938, the Barbershop Harmony Society is the largest, all-male a cappella singing organization in the world. It has published more than 900...
Our chorus is a non profit organization that promotes chorus and quartet barbershop singing. We compete at Division and District levels. One of our missions is to help charitable organizations either through donations or through free sing-outs (Fund raising events, senior homes, foundations, etc)....
The Barbershop Harmony Society, originally named the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA), is the first of several organizations to promote and preserve barbershop music as an art form. Founded by Owen C. Cash and Rupert I....
With 22 singing members today, the Chorus is as vibrant as it has ever been and continues to entertain throughout the region. In 2016, the Chorus performed for 15 various groups and organizations throughout Whitley, Kosciusko, & Allen Counties. ...
There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. and many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. July holidays are no exception. Consequently, at Holiday Insights, we take...
Harmony Society headquarters; an Affiliated organizations in: Australia, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the Governed by an elected board of directors; administered by a professional staff at Harmony Hall in "Keep The Whole World Singing." First meeting: April 11, 1938 at ...
This tradition of song interpretation in modern barbershop singing emerged alongside much of the barbershop musical repertory in dialogue with the sheet music, vaudeville, and recording industries of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a conversation that can still be heard today; as ...