The price of Frenzying is high: Berserkers gain a level ofexhaustion 5eeach time they finish a Frenzy. This rare status condition applies progressive debuffs as a character becomes more and more exhausted. One level of exhaustion inflicts disadvantage on all skill checks; six levels of exhaustio...
Level Rages Rage damage 1 2 +2 2 2 +2 3 3 +2 4 3 +2 5 3 +2 6 4 +2 7 4 +2 8 4 +2 9 4 +3 10 4 +3 11 4 +3 12 5 +3 13 5 +3 14 5 +3 15 5 +3 16 5 +4 17 6 +4 18 6 +4 19 6 +4 20 6 +4 While Raging, you can’t cast or concentrate on DnD...
Relentless Ragehas returned to level 11. Persistent Ragehas returned to level 15, and now the Unconscious condition, not Incapacitated, shuts off your Rage. In addition, the feature incorporates the function of the Rage Resurgence feat which allows Barbarians to regain a Rage charge on Initiative....
Bash Barb in Season 4 Diablo 4 17:29 【暗黑4】Diablo 4 - My Day 1 Summary - The Boss Race 05:25 【暗黑4】Diablo 4 - Pit Bosses Are HARD- RIP My Level 100 06:19 【暗黑4】Diablo 4 - RIP Into Level 100 - Preparing For Bosses 04:52 【暗黑4】Diablo 4 - S-Tier Winner- ...
Automatic addition of new class features when you drag the barbarian class link to your character's level summary Drag and drop features that can be referenced during play Requirements:The 5E Ruleset and the D&D Character Customization Pack
Level: Six While your Rage is active, if a creature you can see starts its turn within 30 feet of you, you can spend a reaction and force them to make a Strength saving throw. Flavor-wise, you’re sending the World Tree’s ghostly branches to hold them in place. Mechanically, they ...