FAQ 1: What is a Barangay Certificate of Residency? The Certificate of Residency is a document certifying your stay in a barangay. You can apply and obtain a barangay certification from a barangay where you have been living for six (6) months or more. FAQ 2: What is a Barangay Clearance?
Now here are the steps on how to get or apply a Barangay Clearance/Certificate. Don't worry it's so easy to secure this document. It takes 15 to 25 minutes to get this one depending on the number of applicants and how busy those Barangay employees are. Steps on How t...
Module 1: Certificate & Clearances Business Clearance Barangay Clearance Certificate of Residency Barangay Certification Barangay Certification (Mayor) Barangay Certification (Governor) Barangay Certification (Congressman) Certificate of Good Moral Certificate of Indigency ...
Local businessmen asked Monday the Quezon City government to scrap the rule requiring business establishment owners to secure barangay clearances when renewing their permits, citing the inconvenience and higher clearance fee than the mayor's permit fee imposed in the city's Revenue Code.Former councilor...
Local businessmen asked Monday the Quezon City government to scrap the rule requiring business establishment owners to secure barangay clearances when renewing their permits, citing the inconvenience and higher clearance fee than the mayor's permit fee imposed in the city's Revenue Code.Former ...
A consultant of the Quezon City mayor is seeking to stop business establishments from being required to obtain barangay clearances when renewing business permits, saying that the fee is higher than that of the mayor's permit as imposed under the city's revenue code.Manila Bulletin...