Barack_Obama 奥巴马英文PPT ApresidentpoliticianAAfatherBarackObamahusband BarackObamaandhisfamily family 站长素材( hemovedtoLosAngelesin1979toattendOccidentalCollege.1979年在夏威夷,奥巴马高中毕业 Aftertwoyears,hetransferredin1981toColumbiaUniversityinNewYorkCity,...
A British sculptor(雕刻家)has brought US President Barack Obama down to size.Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr.Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle. Speaking in Los Angeles, as he was about to launch his first American exhibition, Willard revealed(透露):“My favo...
Barack_Obama 奥巴马英文PPT Barack Obama and his family he moved to Los Angeles in 1979 to attend Occidental College . After two years ,he transferred in 1981 to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations and ...
Barack Obama, a black man,is the president of the United States now. He was born on August 4th, 1961, in Haiwaii (夏威夷) and has lived in many places. His mother was from Kansas (堪萨斯州) and his father was from Kenya (肯尼亚). Obama went to Columbia University in New York and...
BarackObamaBarackObama andhisfamilyandhisfamily family 站长素材(sc.chinaz) BarackObamaandhis familyandhisfamily hemovedtoLosAngelesin1979toattendOccidental College. 1979年在夏威夷,奥巴马高中毕业 Aftertwoyears,hetransferredin1981to ColumbiaUniversityinNewYorkCity, ...
Obama wrote a book Dreams from my father. "I always live in the dream of my father and American people," Obama once said. He was born in a poor family. And he was taken good care of by his grandparents when he was young. He also lived and worked in Africa. Then he got good edu...
1.Barack Obama shared his experience of traveling with his family last summer. 2.Obama and his family went on a trip to Hawaii. 3.Obama and his family spent half a month in Hawaii. 4.On Christmas Day, Obama and his daughters visited the US Marine Corps. ...
Barack Obama (US President): his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more.
poor family.And he was taken good care of by his grandparents when he was young.He also lived and worked in Africa.Then he got a good education in Harvard University.On November 4th,2008,he became the new president of America for the next four years. (1) Where was Barack Obama born?
See It: Former President Barack Obama Sits Down With '60 Minutes' Obama speaks about his book, shares the advice he would give President Trump, his thoughts on the killing of George Floyd, and what's behind the divisions in Washington and across the U.S. Nov 16, 2020 'He Developed...