sw3D_StackedBarDiagram de 上北智信 Obter agoraTransferir ExemploInstruções Descrição geralClassificações + críticasDetalhes + suporte 3D堆叠图,可渲染多层数据 1.用于数据层次渲染,3D图可旋转缩放查看,非常适合用来对比不同类别数据的数值大小,同时对比每一类别数据中,子类别的构成及大小 2.适...
The Bar Graph also known as a Bar chart or Bar Diagram is a visual tool. A Bar Graph is generally used to compare data amongst two or more categories. The Bar Graph is mostly vertical but can also run horizontally. The Bar Graph consists of two axes. Depending on the orientation of th...
ActivityDiagram ActivityFinalNode ActivityMonitor ActivityParameterNode Ator Adicionar AddAgent AddApplicationInsights AddAssociation AddAttachment Addattribute AddBehavior AddBottomFrame AddBuildToQueue AddButton AddCellToLeft AddCellToRight AddChildNode Addclass AddClause AddColumn AddColumns AddColumnsToLeft AddColumn...
Stay tuned with BYJU’S – The Learning App and download the app to learn all Maths-related concepts easily by exploring more videos. Frequently Asked Questions on Bar Graph Q1 What is meant by a bar graph? Bar graph (bar chart) is a graph that represents the categorical data using rectan...
Multiple bar diagram is identical to a regular bar graph with the exception that there are two or more bars in each category, one for each subdivision
appbar.diagram.svg appbar.dial.svg appbar.dimension.arrow.box.height.svg appbar.dimension.arrow.box.width.svg appbar.dimension.arrow.line.height.short.svg appbar.dimension.arrow.line.height.svg appbar.dimension.arrow.line.height.thick.svg appbar.dimension.arrow.line.width.short.svg appbar.dime...
ApplicationConnectionDiagram ApplicationEnvironment ApplicationError ApplicationFlyout ApplicationGroup ApplicationInsights ApplicationOnlySequence ApplicationPrivate ApplicationRole ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegmen...
ApplicationConnectionDiagram ApplicationEnvironment ApplicationError ApplicationFlyout ApplicationGroup ApplicationInsights ApplicationOnlySequence ApplicationPrivate ApplicationRole ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing ArcSe...
GRIDS DataGrid DATA VISUALIZATION Barcode Charts Circular Gauge Diagram Digital Gauge Linear Gauge Maps Range Selector Sparkline Sunburst Chart TreeMap NAVIGATION Navigation Drawer Radial Menu Rotator Tabbed View TreeView EDITORS Autocomplete CheckBox ComboBox DataForm Masked TextBox Numeric TextBox NumericUp...
A bar chart is a diagram that shows amounts by using bars of different heights. Bar charts are used to compare information. As an example, Donald has a shop on the beach. He sells all kinds of food to the people who come to the beach. His most profitable time is over the weekend....