IELTS Writing Task 1: Model Answer The bar chart compares the energy consumption and expense of operating 16 different items of household equipment. Overall, we can see significant differences in both cost and consumption. To begin with, there are some common household items which consume relatively...
Bar charts can show numbers changing overa period of time some type of bar chart is the same as a line graph eg: Number of computers sold by two different shops However, Bar charts don't always show times... , they often only compare numbers compare the bars First, make a very genera...
「新东方雅思官方网校」为您提供柱状图雅思Task 1 题型练习答案解析,解读雅思柱状图Task 1 题型练习和提分技巧,更多雅思IELTS考试报名咨讯,雅思写作练习,请及时关注新东方在线雅思频道更新。
How to answer this task? Introduce the bar chart. Write what it shows/compares. Give a general overview. Write in brief about the main changes on the chart. Note the changes that occured to each element. Look attentively at the chart and discern each museum's trends. Describe each element...
新东方在线雅思为大家整理了2021雅思Task1小作文柱状图范文之独居人口,烤鸭们快来看看吧。 话题 The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 2011. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households. ...
国外精品英语写作教程 雅思小作文 (Task 1) 第3讲: Bar chart 非常感谢同学们和粉丝们对【英语学习资源中心】的支持!想要和我交朋友探讨英语学习的话,可以加我的个人微信 upup61 哦。大家的支持就是我继续更新的动力!
Thechartbelowshowsthetotalnumberofminutes(inbillions)oftelephonecalls intheUK,dividedintothreecategories,from1995-2002. Here'smysuggestedoutlinefora4-paragraphreport: Introduction:rewritethequestionstatementinyourownwords. Overview:pointoutwhichcategorywashighestineachyear,whichwaslowest,and whichsawthebiggestchanges...
The bar graph shows the global sales (in billions of dollars) of different types of digital games between 2000 and 2006. The bar chart compares the turnover in dollars from sales of video games for four different platforms, namely mobile phones, online, consoles and handheld devices, from 200...
1. The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015. Sample The bar chart illustrates how much waste was collected by a recycling centre over five consecutive years, starting in 2011. It is clear that the total amount of waste collected each year followed similar...
【Task-1之Bar Chart和范文】#考试季##教育大咖说##付宝宝雅思写作出分雨##垂直中小V推荐计划##考研翻译##决战雅思##英语# @环球天下教研中心 @环球教育总校微博 雅思超话 û收藏 2 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......