New Employee Orientation for Baptist Health System Welcome New Employees Introductions and Welcome Human Resources Blount Profe
Who should apply as a Baptist Health volunteer? What is the Baptist volunteen program? Volunteer Highlight When Jerri Snavley discovered the joy of hospital volunteer work 42 years ago, she knew she had found her calling. She has been dedicated to bringing cheer to patients and families and ...
It was reported that an employee of the clinic said: “It is unfortunate and obviously inappropriate.” Why would these people care if a poster for evil killer robots was outside a “woman’s health clinic.” It only goes to show that these people know what they are doing is wrong, and...
Association between self-rated health and ideal cardiovascular health: The Baptist Health South Florida Employee Studyideal cardiovascular healthLife's Simple 7self-rated healthself-reported healthBackground There is increasing evidence of the role psychosocial factors play as determinants of cardiovascular ...
Association between self-rated health and ideal cardiovascular health: The Baptist Health South Florida Employee Study.doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdx140Oluseye OgunmorotiOvie A UtuamaJoseph A SalamiJavier Valero-ElizondoErica S SpatzMaribeth RouseffDon Parris...