AccountingEthicsDo you know what choices you would make if faced with an ethical dilemma? This fact-based case includes situations and issues that a real citizen considered when faced with the knowledge that his employer may have been overbilling the state of North Carolina for health care. ...
Baptist Ambulance fulfills legal billing and record requests electronically via ChartSwap, ChartSwap is a HIPAA compliant platform facilitating electronic medical and billing record exchanges between medical providers and law firms, and other requesting parties. It’s free to register...
Billing -I have been billed twice for the same service and have called two times after receiving bills. I was once called and told that all was clear then I received another bill with a threat to submit to a collection agency. I paid the bill at the time of service, my Acc.# 7911008...
RBCRead, Bill and Collect(third party billing) RBCReadiness Business Center RBCReplaceable Battery Cartridge RBCRaleigh Bridge Club RBCRechargeable Battery Cell RBCRookie Bridge Camp RBCReykjavik Bagel Company RBCRedlands Bible Church RBCRegister of Business Consultants ...