Fleming Island Baptist Welcomes New PastorRead the full-text online article and more details about "Fleming Island Baptist Welcomes New Pastor" by Anderson, R. Michael - The Florida Times Union, October 7, 2000By AndersonR. Michael
Fleming Island, FL 32003 Phone: 904.516.1027 Email: ClayVolunteers@bmcjax.com Apply: Volunteer Application Baptist Medical Center Nassau 1250 South 18th Street Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 Phone: 904.321.3818 Email: AuxiliaryN@bmcjax.com Apply: Volunteer Application Baptist MD Anderson 1301 Palm Av...
Offices in Orange Park, Argyle Forest and Fleming Island. Keeping Children in Clay healthy since 1975. Pediatricians at Primary Care Offices Choose a pediatrician located within a Baptist Primary Care office, inSouth MandarinandRegency, where the entire family can be seen at the same place. ...
Baptist Health Plans Clay Hospital; but Opposition of Competitors Could Scuttle Proposed Fleming Island FacilityByline: URVAKSH KARKARIAKarkaria, Urvaksh
Baptist to Build Emergency Center; Baptist Clay Will Be at U.S. 17 in Fleming Island by Spring 2013Byline: Charlie PattonPatton, Charlie
Plan for New $80M Hospital in Clay; Baptist Health Wants to Build 100-Bed Medical Facility in Fleming IslandByline: Teresa Stepzinski Baptist Health is seeking state approval to build a new hospital...Stepzinski, Teresa
Baptist Health Considers Land in Clay; the Idea Is to Build Medical Facilities on Fleming Island, Maybe a Hospital If an Appeal to the State Makes That PossibleByline: DEBORAH CEARNALCearnal, Deborah