Traditional Russian(speaking Baptist Worship in Orthodox Context The article raises the question of the importance of orthodoxy context in formation of traditional service in Baptist churches in Belarus. Noting, that the service is a result of difficult historical processes, interaction of traditions .....
Hey brother, The thread entitled "Are the Greek/Russian orthodox Valid Christian Churches?" has gone way past 30 pages. Give us some relief and terminate this thing. Too many catholic apologists for me to handle by myself. ThanksD Dr. Walter Oct 17, 2011 SBG does not engage in discus...
(6) New comers with various gifts are being selected and given responsibilities in the Church's activities. (7) There is a need of working in partnership with other churches to reach the UUC through some delicate methods such as banquets in top hotels. (8) There is also a need to ...
Valery Antoniuk, President of the "All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists", defended the violent coup in February 2014 by citing Dietrich Bonhoeffer's borderline justification for the murder of a tyrant (Hitler): "Obedience to tyrants is equal to disobedience towards God...
Traditional Russian(speaking Baptist Worship in Orthodox Context The article raises the question of the importance of orthodoxy context in formation of traditional service in Baptist churches in Belarus. Noting, that the service is a result of difficult historical processes, interaction of traditions .....