Emmanuel Baptist Churchin Berea Kentucky is a growing congregation. We are a family of believers who are deeply committed to fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission to “Go into all the world proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of all nations,” while also exhibiting the...
Coral Hill Baptist is a Southern Baptist Church in Glasgow Kentucky committed to sharing Christ, strengthening believers, serving people, and starting churches.
On October 3, 1952 at 7:00P.M. there was a meeting called at The Mission in Cannel City, Kentucky for the purpose of organizing a New Testament Church. There were three Missionary Baptist Churches represented. Richland Baptist Church, Livermore, KentuckyMcLean County,which was the Mother Churc...
Popular Destinations in Kentucky Discover Frankfort, Louisville, Lexington and Bowling Green. Frankfort Louisville Lexington Bowling GreenEvery day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. - Matsuo Bashō Curious Places to DiscoverExplore unique churches from around the globe. ...
Home SOLID ROCKBAPTIST CHURCH 1324 Kentucky 1547 Liberty, KY 42539 (606) 787-4105 Pastor Brad Teubert “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”...
from your friendly neighborhood church on the corner of 22nd and Muhammad Ali Boulevard in Louisville, Kentucky. You and your family are invited to worship with us each Sunday morning or at any of our services. We will introduce you to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for our sins...
University, in Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Davidson is an alumnus of Peabody College, Welch College, Columbia Bible College, Northern Baptist Seminary, and New Orleans Baptist Seminary. The Ayden, North Carolina, native also served as pastor of Free Will Baptist churches in Kentucky and ...
's largest congregations, and the smaller fern creek baptist church in louisville, kentucky. the two churches were among five expelled by the denomination's executive committee in february for having female pastors. the other three did not appeal. the expelled churches were found not...
SUMMERVILLE, Ga. (BP) — Floods affecting the water system of this northwest Georgia town and Baptists’ response mirrors a similar effort taking place in Jackson, Miss. Heavy rainfall this weekend prompted churches to adjust Sunday morning schedules in Summerville, Ga. while le...
4) KBC’s Shepherding the Shepherd on February 8-10, 2024. Come be refreshed in your ministry at the most beloved weekend of the year for pastors and their wives. This year’s event will be held at Griffin Gate Marriott Resort & Spa in Lexington, Kentucky. Learn morehere!