因为在一个bapi成功执行后,需要调用 BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT来提交所做得更改,那么这个提交操作要等待一定的时间,我们 调用的时候,通常 BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT的WAIT参数是空的,那么就会导致commit work and wait不会执行,而是简单的 commit work操作,这样后续的BAPI可能需要上一个bapi所作操作的数据,而恰巧这些数据...
BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT有个WAIT参数,它类似于更新数据库语句的COMMIT和COMMIT AND WAIT。当不对WAIT参数赋值或赋为空时COMMIT会异步执行,否则会同步执行。这样当有两个业务需要连续执行的时候,第二个业务依赖与第一个业务,那么第一个业务BAPI在调用之后其BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT的WAIT参数应赋为‘X’,否则便不能保...
function1 = BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETDETAIL_MD1.CreateFunction(); function1.SetValue("WAIT", "X"); RfcSessionManager.BeginContext(prd); function.Invoke(prd); //提交调用BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CREATE1 生成资产编号 function1.Invoke(prd); //提交调用BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT 进行COMMIT一下 RfcSessionManager.EndC...
function1 = BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETDETAIL_MD1.CreateFunction(); function1.SetValue("WAIT", "X"); RfcSessionManager.BeginContext(prd); function.Invoke(prd); //提交调用BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CREATE1 生成资产编号 function1.Invoke(prd); //提交调用BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT 进行COMMIT一下 RfcSessionManager.EndC...
In this case you have to commit each bapi call and make use of the return parameter of BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, for this you have to pass wait = X becasue when sy-subrc is 4 after a synchronous call then it implies error. In your case you can do this, Call your bapi with required...
The SAP adapter can control whether it waits for SAP to commit the updates synchronously, or issues a commit and returns while the SAP commit happens asynchronously. You can determine this behavior by using theUse wait parameter before calling BAPI commitparameter on theConfigure Objectspane of the...
I also tried Commit work and wait. But the response is same. Please help me, this is really urgent. --> It may be urgent for you, but it is not for other members The Dump message is: Long text of error message: Diagnosis The material document posting was terminated to maintain da...
采购申请pr新增行 | pritemx = lt_pritemx extensionin = lt_exts . loop at lt_return into ls_return where type = 'E' or type = 'A'. exit. endloop. if sy-subrc ne 0. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' exporting wait = 'X'. ...