•bapi_internalorder_create功能模块会根据提供的数据在SAP系统中创建相应的内部订单,并与科目结算进行关联。同时,它也会根据相关配置和规则自动生成会计凭证,以实现财务核算的目的。 示例说明 以下是一个使用bapi_internalorder_create创建科目结算的示例: 1.首先,准备好所需的数据,如内部订单编号、描述、成本中心、物...
data testrun type bapi0012_gen-testrun. data i_master_datb type bapi2075_7b. data e_master_data type bapi2075_2. data orderid type bapi2075_2-order. data e_master_datb type bapi2075_7b. data srules type standard table of bapi2075_6. data lt_return type standard table of bapiret2...
我现在需要通过BAPI BAPI_INTERNALORDER_CREATE来创建内部订单,之前我把AUFK表中的CI_AUFK中做了增强,增加一个自定义字段u201CZZTYPEu201D(4位字符),现在我想在BAPI创建订单的时候把ZZTYPE字段也填充,但测试多次皆发现无法实现,请不吝赐教!代码如下: form create_io...
I need to create internal orders, but field COAS-ASTKZ must be filled with an 'X'. I don´t find this field, or a similar one, in import parameters or talbes of BAPI_INTERNALORDER_CREATE. Can any one help me? thanks in advance! Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution uwe...
Hi All, I 'm working on this BAPI " BAPI_INTERNALORDER_CREATE" and i got the error message "Company code is not defined". For my case, i don't need to enter any company code to create the internal order. Is it possible to skip this validation? Regards, LukeReply...