Solved: Hi, I have a requirement to set Industry Code (KNA1-BRAN1~5) by using BAPI. I went through the BAPI list but found no relevant one. BAPI_CUSTOMER_CHANGEFROMDATA1
I found FM: ISM_SALES_ITEM_CHANGE for this, but when I use it, it gives me dump for some data object 'XJKNBK'. Does any one have idea on how to use this FM or if any other FM is there please let me know? Thanks & Regards, Sunanda.Reply...
Suppose, if you wish to add these fields through frontends like portal and use to generate report, than these fields needs to be mapped with portal view (screen). Than you can store internal order to master table with addiational field using userexit COOPA003 . This data can be used...
0 Kudos 984 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Hi Rahul Below bapi is used to change Customer master data... BAPI_CUSTOMER_CHANGEFROMDATA BAPI_CUSTOMER_CHANGEFROMDATA1 oR FM: SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL i hope above info helps you Thanks Ramesh Reply All...
DATA:lwa_bape_vbapxTYPEbape_vbapx."BAPI Checkbox for Customer Enhancments to Table VBAP DATA:lwa_extensioninTYPEbapiparex."Customer Enhancement for VBAK, VBAP, VBEP "Fill item level self-defined fields * extension BAPE_VBAP CLEAR:lwa_bape_vbap, ...
BAPI里的参数几乎都不一样; 而 BAPI_PR_CREATE 和 BAPI_PR_CHANGE 这二个BAPI里面参数却都是一样的,很奇怪;很显然我如果用BAPI_PR_CREATE创建的申请可以用BAPI_PR_CHANGE来改(但这个BAPI却不能创建服务类申请,因为没有相关的参数),可是我用BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE创建的申请却不能用BAPI_REQUISITION_CHANGE ...
Create Service Order with Ref. to Notification 根据参考通知单创建服务订单 Create WBS BOM 创建 WBS BOM Customer Line Items 创建发票凭证 Data Transfer CATS to PS 把工作时间传到项目 Display Customer (Central) 显示客户(集中地) Display Inspection Lot 显示检验批 ...
METHOD if_ex_acc_document~change. DATA:ls_asset_value TYPE zssh_test_asset_value_str, ls_extension2 TYPE bapiparex, ls_accit TYPE accit. CHECK sy-uname EQ 'SHISH'. LOOP AT c_extension2 INTO ls_extension2. ls_asset_value = ls_extension2+30(960). ...