poitemx-po_unit= con ."采购订单的计量单位 poitemx-net_price= con."净价 poitemx-matl_group= con."物料组 poitemx-plant= con."工厂 poitemx-trackingno= con."需求跟踪号 poitemx-preq_name= con."需求者/请求者姓名 poitemx-tax_code= con."销售税代码 poitemx-conf_ctrl= con."确认控制...
原因:没有填 pocomponents-item_no 删除自动从bom带出来的外协组件的方法:参考 lg zflg_po_create pocond-change_id = 'U'.更新价格,I表示新增价格(I新增价格时先加一行D删除采购信息记录的价格) pocondx-change_id = 'X'. 3. ls_poheader-item_intvl = 'X'. "项目编号间隔 ls_poheaderx-item_int...
poitemx-quantity = con. "采购订单数量 poitemx-po_unit = con . "采购订单的计量单位 poitemx-net_price = con. "净价 poitemx-matl_group = con. "物料组 poitemx-plant = con. "工厂 poitemx-trackingno = con. "需求跟踪号 poitemx-preq_name = con. "需求者/请求者姓名 poitemx-tax_...
自动带出组件,如果使用下面代码会添加组件*GWA_POCOMPONENTS-PO_ITEM = '00010' .*GWA_POCOMPONENTS-SCHED_LINE = 0001.** lwa_pocomponents-item_no = '0010'.*GWA_POCOMPONENTS-MATERIAL = '000000000013008278'.*GWA_POCOMPONENTS-ENTRY_QUANTITY = 1.*GWA_POCOMPONENTS-ENTRY_UOM = 'PC'.*GWA_POCOMPONEN...
COMPONENTSX-MATERIAL = 'X'. COMPONENTSX-ENTRY_QUANTITY = 'X'. COMPONENTSX-ENTRY_UOM = 'X'. COMPONENTS-PLANT = 'X'. append COMPONENTSX. call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' exporting poheader = header poheaderx = headerx importing exppurchaseorder = po_number tables return = return poitem ...
Hello, i'm trying to use BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create purchase orders with subcontracting components. I've been reading through many threads and everyone says that i need
1, PARK_UNCOMPLETE参数 BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE1中有个参数PARK_UNCOMPLETE,看帮助文档,当等于‘X'时,PO创建发生错误时会生成暂存订单。 点击右边绿色按钮可以看到参数文档,里面描述了PARK_UNCOMPLETE和MEMORY_UNCOMPLETE配合使用的逻辑 但是很遗憾,此时BAPI还是不能创建的暂存的PO。。。
All, I use BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to load POs from a file. The POS are created with standard 10, 20 and 30.. item numbers (EBELP) and not with the ones which are provided in
BAPI_PO_CREATE1 创建采购订单 data:lt_poheader like table of bapimepoheader with header line, lt_poheaderx like table of bapimepoheaderx with header line, lt_poitem like table of bapimepoitem with header line, lt_poitemx like table of bapimepoitemx with header line, lt_poschedule like...