初步对BAPI_PO_CREATE1有了一点了解,下面对这个bapi做一些我的体会讲解: 下面先将程式上传, 在程式中我只简单的对poheader和poitem做了一些输入,产生了一张po,并且po中只可以有一个项被采购,其实其中还有其他可以加入,例如: schedule,account,一起其他一些东西,,在这个程式中我就不在做介绍了,我将在后续的文章...
lt_poitems-item_cat = '0'. lt_poitems-material_long = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-matnr."物料 lt_poitems-plant = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-DWERK."工厂 lt_poitems-stge_loc = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-lgort."接收库存地点 lt_poitems-quantity = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-ZXDSL. lt_poitems-net_price = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-...
lt_poschedule-sched_line = 1. lt_poschedule-delivery_date = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-ZDDJQ."交期 lt_poschedule-quantity = <FW_LS_OUTPUT>-ZXDSL. "数量 APPEND lt_poschedule. CLEAR lt_poschedulex. lt_poschedulex-po_item = lv_item. lt_poschedulex-sched_line = 1. lt_poschedulex-delivery_date...
抬头MKPF 的 BAIP 表增强 BAPI_TE_XMKPF 1. 在结构BAPI_TE_XMSEG中appending structure附加结构 ZMSEG_001,增加字段LSMNG, LSMEH In The method IF_EX_MB_Hi, you can update LSMNG quantity using EXTENSIONIN structures of BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. The steps are the following: Add LSMNG field in BAPI...
All, I use BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to load POs from a file. The POS are created with standard 10, 20 and 30.. item numbers (EBELP) and not with the ones which are provided in
Hi All, We want the functionality of updating 2 customer specific fields in table EKPO while creating PO with BAPI_PO_CREATE1. The documentation for the BAPI says that
call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' EXPORTING poheader = pohead poheaderx = poheadx testrun = ' ' IMPORTING exppurchaseorder = ex_po_number expheader = exp_head TABLES return = return poitem = poitem poitemx = poitemx poschedule = posched ...
about bapi_po_create1 using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create POs meanwhile passing the netprice instead of price from inforrecords. From 580225: 1.NO_PRICE_FROM_PO If you transfer the value 'X' in this field, no conditions are copied from the last document. This includes purchase orders, schedu...
1,179 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, BAPI_PO_CREATE1 - Create Purchase Order Functionality Function module BAPI_PO_CREATE1 enables you to create purchase orders. The BAPI uses the technology behind the Enjoy purchase order transaction ( ME21N). Alternatively, the IDoc type PORDCR1 ...
请使用BAPI_PO_CREATE1 这个BAPI所要传的参数和我们平时用的ME21N基本一样 好理解 BAPI_PO_CREATE你可以参考ME21 是40A版本的