BAPI_PO_CH..Hello All, I'm using BAPI_PO_CHANGE to add a new line item to Purchase order of standard BSART t
BAPI_PO_CHANGE:修改采购订单。 BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL:获取采购订单的详细信息。 BAPI_PO_GETITEMS:获取采购订单的物料行项目。 BAPI_PO_GETITEMTEXT:获取采购订单的物料行项目文本。 BAPI_PO_GETITEMSREL:获取采购订单的已释放的物料行项目。 BAPI_PO_GETITEMSUNREL:获取采购订单的未释放的物料行项目。 BAPI_PO_GETRE...
Hi, I am working with Bapi_PO_CHANGE and need to change some dat in the custom fields of EKKO and EKPO table... can someone tell me the procedure to reate proper
BAPI_PO_CHANGE components parameters Hello All, I'm using BAPI_PO_CHANGE to add a new line item to Purchase order of standard BSART type NB. Line item is getting added to PO correctly as well as components. The problem is that field Batch is not getting copied to components. in the...
原因:没有填 pocomponents-item_no 删除自动从bom带出来的外协组件的方法:参考 lg zflg_po_create pocond-change_id = 'U'.更新价格,I表示新增价格(I新增价格时先加一行D删除采购信息记录的价格) pocondx-change_id = 'X'. 3. ls_poheader-item_intvl = 'X'. "项目编号间隔 ...
修改生产订单成分/组件:CO_XT_COMPONENT_CHANGE 删除生产订单成分/组件:CO_XT_COMPONENTS_DELETE 读取工序:CO_BO_OPR_OF_ORDER_GET 订单项目管理:CO_BI_AFPO_READ_WITH_KEY、CO_BI_AFPO_UPD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ...
Solved: Hi Experts, I am very new in Abap ,I want to update some fields of Purchase order through Bapi. In Selection screen i need these things, PO Number , material,
Hello, i'm trying to use BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create purchase orders with subcontracting components. I've been reading through many threads and everyone says that i need