Hi, I am working with Bapi_PO_CHANGE and need to change some dat in the custom fields of EKKO and EKPO table... can someone tell me the procedure to reate proper
Change indicators could not be uniquely determined in material mapping 原因:没有填 pocomponents-item_no 删除自动从bom带出来的外协组件的方法:参考 lg zflg_po_create pocond-change_id = 'U'.更新价格,I表示新增价格(I新增价格时先加一行D删除采购信息记录的价格) pocondx-change_id = 'X'. 3. ls...
ls_itemx-po_item ='00010'. ls_itemx-calctype ='X'.APPENDls_itemxTOlt_itemx.CALLFUNCTION'BAPI_PO_CHANGE'EXPORTINGpurchaseorder=lv_ebelnTABLESreturn=lt_return poitem=lt_item poitemx=lt_itemx.READTABLElt_returnWITHKEY type ='E'TRANSPORTING NOFIELDS.IFsy-subrc =0.ROLLBACKWORK.ELSE.COMMITW...
这两天用BAPI更改采购订单,遇到了一些问题,最后调试解决了。记录如下吧。 要修改的是采购订单的物料号和批次,在网上看到其它人写过关于 BAPI_PO_CHANGE的用法,但是具体问题还要具体分析啊。 CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CHANGE' EXPORTING PURCHASEORDER = LT_ZSDPOSO-PONUM TABLES RETURN = RETURN POITEM = POITEM P...
HI, I need to change the delivery date of a PO.The mentioned BAPI works fine if the PO has only one schedule line.If it has more than one schedule line the PO gives an
BAPI_PO_CHANGE采购订单修改服务修改服务页签⾥⾯的价格和数量,达到修改净价和条件⾥⾯⾦额的⽬的 数据可以通过采购订单查询ESLH和ESLL表获取 POITEM-PO_ITEM = '00010'.POITEM-NET_PRICE = Z_NETPR.POITEM-PCKG_NO = '66628'.APPEND POITEM .POITEMX-PO_ITEM = '00010'.POITEMX-PO_ITEMX...
PO_PRICE = '2': The value transferred in field NET_PRICE is copied as a net price that is, it is set with the condition type specified as base price in the calculation procedure. All other condition types are deleted. Keyword: NO_PRICE_FROM_PO = X Poitem-po_price = '2' ...
BAPI_PO_CH..Hello All, I'm using BAPI_PO_CHANGE to add a new line item to Purchase order of standard BSART t
BAPI_PO_CHANGE BAPI_PO_CHANGE 这两天⽤BAPI更改采购订单,遇到了⼀些问题,最后调试解决了。记录如下吧。要修改的是采购订单的物料号和批次,在⽹上看到其它⼈写过关于 BAPI_PO_CHANGE的⽤法,但是具体问题还要具体分析啊。 CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CHANGE'EXPORTING PURCHASEORDER = LT_ZSDPOSO-PO...
ls_cond-change_id ='D'。 附加ls_cond至lt_cond。 ls_condx-itm_number = l_ebelp。 ls_condx-condition_no = l_knumv。 ls_condx-cond_st_no = ls_konv-stunr。 ls_condx-cond_count ='X'。 ls_condx-cond_type ='X'。 ls_condx-change_id ='X'。 附加ls_condx至lt_condx。 *...