SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Hi , I am using "bapi_po_create1" to create a po. apart from header I am populating items,accounts, services table.. but the po is not getting created as it gives error like: 1. Po data is faulty 2. Maintain services or limits But with the sa...
实际WBS_ELEMENT 已经填写 并且ACCOUNTX里面也打了X 经过DEBUG发现 再 MOVE_IN的某个位置有转换WBS的外码TO 内码 如果直接给内码 就不会转换 再BAPI里面就是没有WBS 然后就失败了 把内码WBS改成外码就解决了
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Actually I don't have much time left so I though of posting this thread again, I am working on an interface where I need to create PO's using BAPI_PO_CREATE but to my bad luck the code that I have written is not working properly and I have just...
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA SAP S/4HANA Resolution Please fill the parameters and the tables according to the following model. 1. PO with one service line + single account assignment. 1.1 POHEADER COMP_CODE = 1000 DOC_TYPE = NB VENDOR = 0000001000 PURCH...
potextitem LIKE TABLE OF bapimepotext WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: epo LIKE bapimepoheader-po_number. DATA: l_return LIKE return. DATA: lv_message(255). CONSTANTS: con VALUE 'X'. DATA: pp_file TYPE string. DATA: lifnr TYPE elifn. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I have a problem in creating purchase order. When I create the PO it is fine.But the issuing storage location is not getting populated in the transaction-neither in the table ekpo (field-RESLO). I am passing the 'suppl_stloc' parameter of th...
gv_poTYPEebeln."headergw_head-comp_code ='6375'.*gw_head-comp_code = '8380'.gw_head-doc_type ='NB'. gw_head-status ='B'. gw_head-creat_date = sy-datum. gw_head-doc_date = sy-datum. gw_head-purch_org ='6375'.*gw_head-purch_org = '8380'.gw_head-pur_group ='D01'.*...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi friends, I am facing problems to create a service PO by using BAPI_PO_CREATE1. I am getting the PO number but the services i entered in the POSERVICES table are not reflecting in the PO that was generated by the BAPI can any body help me in ...
采购订单审批BAPI ---BAPI_PO_RELEASE [转]_SAP刘梦_新浪博客,采购订单审批BAPI---BAPI_PO_RELEASEREPORTz_release_po.DATAgc_frggrLIKEekko-frggr."ReleaseGroupDATAgc_frgsxLIKEekko-frgsx...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP Many a times, we need to use BAPI to create Purchase Orders (PO). The need to use BAPI for PO creation arises when businesses want to automate PO creation, or SAP is interfaced with a third party application. When creating a PO we have BAPI's like BAPI_...