批量报工可以通过两种方式实现:录制BDC 或者 Call 系统标准 BAPI。 1) 录制BDC这里就不讲述了,直接在CO11N上录屏即可; 2) Call 系统标准 BAPI:BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_TT. 在报工时,当涉及到 倒冲料扣料 的操作时,则需要 Call 两个BAPI来操作: 1. BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GET_TT_PROP 获取生产订单相关属性 2....
SAP ABAP 创建标准销售订单 BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CREATE FORM frm_call_bapi USING u_data TYPE zcmt0002. DATA:lv_salesdocument TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln, "so ls_sales_header_in TYPE bapisdhd1, ls_sales_header_inx TYPE bapisdhd1x. DATA:lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2, ls_return TYPE ...
将wa_schedulex添加到it_schedule。 CALL FUNCTION'BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2' EXPORTINGorder _header_in=wa_headerder_header_inx=wa_header_xIMPORTINGsalesdocument=v_vbelnTABLESreturn=it_returnorder_items_in=it_itemorder _items_inx=it_itemxorder_partners=it_partnerder_text=it_textorder_conditions...
SAP BAPI is remote enabled function module, and we can call it with JCO library. SAP Enterprise Connector is a wizard to generate proxy code for calling remote function module. 1.Install NWDS First download NWDS from SDN, SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 SR5 - Trial Version You should...
RFC和BAPI都是SAP提供的接口技术.RFC全称Remote Function Call,就是允许远程调用的函数模块. BAPI则是基于RFC的新技术,全称Business Application Programming Interfaces,它是将RFC封装 成为完整的API对象,可在非SAP开发环境中声明,调用,对SAP进行操作. 提到的是SAP提供的DCOM生成工具,是先做好RFC,然后再在SAP中封装(...
call function 'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE' exporting salesdocument = p_vbeln order_header_in = ls_order_header_in order_header_inx = ls_order_header_inx logic_switch = logic_switch tables return = lt_return conditions_in = lt_conditions_in ...
check gt_return if no error then call next one and do the same for remaining. at last bapi check the gt_retrun if no error then call bapi transaction commit cheers, sasi You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and ...
RAP and its transaction model aim to fulfill the SAP LUW rules. That also means, that the update task can only be called at the end of the SAP LUW. Therefore, RAP does not allow to call the update task earlier. Hence, all BAPIs using the update task cannot be used outside of the...
SAP S/4HANA, MAN (Manufacturing), MAN Production Planning (PP) Introduction: In this blog post, you will learn how to Find BAPI & Simulate BAPI. Like many of the time, we need to create or upload data in mass. And for that, we use LSMW or BDC to upload entries to system. But...