3、使用BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST参数表EXTENSION2,将扩展字段传入 详细步骤如下: 1、创建结构,se11,很简单,不再赘述,如下图: 2、SE19实现BADI增强ACC_DOCUMENT 通过ACC_DOCUMENT help文档知道,方法CHANGE用来完成字段的扩展,还有一个需要注意的是参考业务类型,这个一定要选对,不然执行BAPI的时候不会调用这个BADI,我...
业务需求:和银行做一个接口,要通过银行流水产生会计凭证,会计凭证的事务码是F-02,查到了BAPI方法BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST。昨天测试发现,有一些参数在BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST的输入和表参数中根本没有,如记账码Posting Key、原因代码Reason Code,那怎么把这些字段的值传进去呢?在SDN查了一下相关问题的解决办法,发现...
与FB01 手工过账不同,BAPI 不包括 “Automatically Calculate Tax” 功能,税的科目和金额要提前确定好,放在 BAPI 的ACCOUNTTAX参数中。原文: Unlike the traditional FI posting transactions (such as FB01), the Accounting BAPIs do not include the function "Automatically Calculate Tax". The source application...
Dear all, We are using the BAPI (BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST) to insert invoices out of an external system. We need to have the tax % coming out of the external system (thus
data: wa_header type acchd. if sy-xprog ne 'SAPMSSY1'. *---<SAPLBPFC> is for Posting with BAPI: BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST *---<SAPCNVE > is for Posting(Tax) with BAPI: BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST *---<SAPMSSY1> is for Test(Check) with BAPI: BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK ...
Solved: Hi, I try to work with BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST in order to reproduce this king of document done in FB01 Done with FB01, with none deductible account tax (one line
FI会计凭证导入-TAX参数报错 Tax insertion for 'xxxx'> impossible due to tax base 0 参考网址:error bapi BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST 848 FF | SAP Community 参考步骤 实际代码 FORM frm_create_exp TABLES it_exp_item TYPE zttif_hly_exp_log
After poring over SDN for hours together, I discovered that there was no one document which detailed the posting of FI Documents with Tax lines. This post is an
SAPTAXCODE⾃动计算税⾦ (BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POSTCALCUL。。。CALL FUNCTION'CALCULATE_TAX_FROM_GROSSAMOUNT'EXPORTING i_bukrs = '1000' "公司代码 i_mwskz = 'X1'"税码 i_waers = 'CNY'"币种 i_wrbtr = amount "⾦额 TABLES T_MWDAT = t_tax_info.* Now I loop the t_...