GSA's Best Aquaculture Practices BAP certification ensures aquaculture processes are socially and environmentally responsible. Learn more today.
执行BAP认证是水产养殖认证委员会(Aquaculture Certification Council,简称:ACC)。ACC是一个非政府的机构,用来保证与社会、环境、食品安全等有关的水产养殖标准的实施。ACC主要针对水产品的生产流程提供认证,而不是对产品本身提供认证。ACC已被美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)选为水产品认证第三方合作伙伴。经过BAP 认证的...
鳍鱼类、甲壳类和软体类水产动物 孵化场及育苗场 最佳水产养殖规范(BAP) 认证标准及指导方针 ® 社区·环境·动物权益·食品安全·可追溯性 最佳水产养殖规范之鳍鱼类、甲壳类和软体类水产动物孵化场及育苗场规范—第1版—2014年9月 免责声明:此文件仅为为方便中文客户阅读和使用而翻译制作的中文版标准,中文翻译...
and we thank them for their long-running commitment,” said George Chamberlain, president of the Global Aquaculture Alliance, whose BAP standards form the base of BAP certification.
a Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A. nonprofit that operates the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party seafood eco-certification program. BAP certification promotes “science-based and continuously improved performance standards” for the aquaculture supply ...
Wright, James
Mike Berthet, EMEA Market Development at BAP, commented: “The Global Seafood Alliance is delighted to welcome Hiddenfjord to its Best Aquaculture Practices certification program. This is a first for salmon farms and processing facilities in the Faroe Islands and is a landmark signal that BAP con...
Shrimp from this farm are also exported to Japan and available at the EM Hotel, "EM Wellness Resort Costa Vista Okinawa Hotel & SPA" under the brand name of "Yui no ebi". Recently, Nittaya farm was granted with the BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices) Certification for meeting the standards of...
GSA's Best Aquaculture Practices BAP certification ensures aquaculture processes are socially and environmentally responsible. Learn more today.
Global Seafood Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (GSA BAP) standard ensures aquaculture processes are socially and environmentally responsible.