Baoding Huayue Rubber Belts Co., Ltd.爱企查 天眼查 存续(在营、开业、在册)报关画像进出口信用中国制造网阿里会员 法定代表人:李昭钦 注册资本:20000万元人民币 统一社会信用代码:911306378087330559网址: 地址:博野县经济开发区 简介:输送带、平胶带、橡胶制品、帆布、输送机械配件...
1995 "Daqi Rubber Belt Factory" changed to "Baoding Huayue Rubber Belts Co.,Ltd." 2001 Huayue expanded its investment with the size four time bigger than before. 2002 Huayue became the first factory in China to develop and produce polyester/cotton canvas conveyor belts. 2003 Huayue became the ...
中文网站和 英文网站 微信公众平台名称:保定华月胶带 其他以保定华月胶带有限公司名义建立的带顶级域名的网站均不是我公司官方网站,敬请您留意!
环形输送带型号 输送带 产品分类 钢丝绳芯输送带 尼龙输送带 普通输送带 环形输送带 输送带厂家 企业信息 保定华月胶带有限公司 罗经理(销售销售)电话:86-0312-8351111手机: 13663243303 详细联系方式 经营模式:生产型、贸易型所在地区:河北 保定博野县
Tubular conveyor belt is used to support pipe belt conveyor. The tubular shape is formed in the whole or part of transportation with the help of external force. We use high strength canvas or steel cord as belt carcass, and high strengh, high abrasion resistant rubber as covers. When the ...