New Facts about the Phase-Diagram of the BaO-SiO2 SystemGrebenshchikov, R GToropov, N A
Therefore, the compositions confirm the behavior as predict by the phase diagram as well as designed. Show abstract Application of BaO-CaO-Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>-B<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>-SiO<inf>2</inf> glass-ceramic seals in large size planar IT-SOFC 2015, Ceramics ...
F. Ya. GalakhovI. A. BondarRussian Chemical BulletinToropov, N. A., Galakhov, S. Y., & Bondar, I. A. (1956). Phase Diagram of the Triple System CaO-BaO-SiO2. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdelenie Khim. Nauk, 6, 641-648....
The resulting equations represent the thermodynamic and phase diagram data for the alkaline-earth oxide-silica systems within error limits for most of the experimental data. In particular, the measured limiting liquidus slope, at X SiO 2 = 1, is well reproduced....
Phase equilibria in the system BaO-SrO-SiO2 in air were established using conventional solid-state techniques. The phase relations in the boundary system SrO-SiO2 were completed by determining the liquidus temperatures for the SrO-rich portion of the diagram. The known compounds, SrSiO3, Sr2SiO4...
Phase equilibrium diagramFour compositions in the BaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system modified with B2O3 were investigated with regard to their use as glassy seals in anode supported SOFC or iT-SOFC. The glassy system studied contains varying percentages of SiO2, Al2O3, B2O3, and high content of BaO ...
By comparison, alloying of Au with Sb does not occur according to the phase diagram. Instead, a thermal treatment at temperatures slightly above T g leads to nanocrystalline, spherical Au particles. Hence, alloying and subsequent decomposition of the alloy is a prerequisite for the formation of ...
Correlation between the Viscosity of Glasses of the System Na2O-BaO-SiO2 and the Phase DiagramMazurin, O VTret'yakova, N I