The new environment strategy for the World Bank Group lays out an ambitious action agenda that seeks to respond to calls from our client countries for a new kind of development path, one that supports growth while focusing more on sustainability and ensuring that the environment is a key enabler...
Vietnam - Tài lieu huong dan phan hang doanh nghiep theo ket qua bao ve moi truong 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 516 作者: TW Bank 摘要: This paper deals with documentation classification and gives results for businesses in terms of environmental protection. This classification ...
探访雄安新区白洋淀“doan dap xe thanh nien Trung-Viet chup anh voi Chu tich Hoi Bao ve Thien nhien va Moi truong Viet Nam Nguyen Ngoc Sinh精彩回顾|来源:广西电台2010-07-07 10:15:13|网络编辑:王平猜你喜欢:网友评论 [新闻评论服务协议] 登录 有事没事说两句... 还没有评论,快来抢沙发吧!