After bankruptcy, you will probably find it difficult to get a credit card, except at a very high interest rate. One alternative is a secured credit card, where you put some money on deposit with the issuer, which you can then borrow against. What Happens When You Declare Bankruptcy? As ...
However, the effect of bankruptcy on yourcredit scorewill diminish over time, and your score will gradually improve if you show that you’re using credit responsibly. One tool for doing that is asecured credit card, where you make a deposit with the issuing bank, which then becomes yourcredi...
However, in January 2nd, which just entered the new year, employees suddenly found the seal of the second people's court in Dongguan City, and the company's "bankruptcy notice" and a "Notice of all employees". The company executives are missing together and can not be contacted. The "Not...
Suddenly we know we are many Wednesday 4th January, 2012 Why the Russian youth have tolerated the political situation in their country for so long and why they are no longer tolerant. The poet Natalia Klyuchareva explains the background to the protests on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow on December...
ANNs learn by recognizing the laws of the market from an earlier period, and their effective application in the face of changing laws and relations is questionable, especially in cases where these changes occur suddenly, as was the case with the COVID-19 crisis. Extensive testing of different ...
Then the bottom fell out. Last year downloads flattened, and Pixite’s revenues plunged by a third, to $629,000. Suddenly, a company that needed to bring in $2,000 a day to break even found itself making $1,000 or less. Pixite has no reserves of venture capital to fall back on;...
A foreclosure can stay on your credit report for up to seven years. In terms of negative credit effects, those are typically strongest in the first two to three years following the foreclosure. Over time, the impact of foreclosure on credit scores can gradually fade. ...