Although this arrangement helps to ring-fence domestic risk, it also has implications for cross-border banking supervision, especially in times of crisis management or resolution. If collaboration is absent or weak between home and host regulatory agencies, the resolution of cross-border banks could ...
T. Atmer Land banking in Stockholm Habitat Int., 11 (1) (1987), pp. 47-55 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Badong, 2009 Badong, P. (2009). Security provision in Ghana: What is the role and impact of non-state actors. Nairobi, Kenya. Google Scholar Bao et al., 201...
This study examines the nature and the change in the level of competition in the various financial sub-markets in Ghana, a lower middle-income country and one of Africa’s emerging economies. We apply the recently developed Boone indicator on annual bank-level data of 22 banks from 2011 to ...
In the post-crisis era of the Global Financial Meltdown, banks in Ghana have performed better than expected. The next wave is how to sustain the performance of 2010 and grow over the next 5 years to become a leading banking industry in the region. The Ghanaian financial services market ...
King TorkuEsther Laryea
We are fortunate to be situated in Asia, where the banking system, government finances and macroeconomic fundamentals are generally healthy, largely due to actions taken after the painful lessons from the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. So our key markets – Singapore, Malaysia, ...
Soedarmono, W., Machrouh, F. and Tarazi, A. (2013). Bank competition, crisis and risk taking: Evidence from emerging markets in Asia. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 23, pp.196-221. ...
Therecentfinancialcrisishasprovedaharsh reminderoftheimportanceofensuring multiplesourcesofliquidityandavoiding over-relianceonanysinglebankforfunding. Theinitialapproachofmanylargebankshad beentodevelopproprietaryplatforms designedtogivethemacompetitiveedge andlockincustomers.Buttheuseofa ...
This paper uses robust econometric methods to estimate the determinants of non-performing loans (NPLs) with a specific focus on the role of the 2007–2009 financial crisis in explaining NPLs in the banking industry of Ghana. Findings suggest that non-performing loans are significantly affected by ...
The second archetype market is the fast-grow- ing transition market, which covers countries like Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, and Kenya, where banking penetration is ahead of the curve. These are competitive retail...