International Banking CN 助您把握全球财富机遇 全面的财富规划方案和理财策略帮助您完成多样投资。 了解详情 环球金融,轻松办理 抵达前完成开户,转账安全无压力。 了解详情 全球房产投资 使用当地货币完成全球房产按揭投资,轻松又简单。 了解详情 境外免费转账服务 无论您身处何地,均可使用渣打银行多币种账户轻松转账...
HSBC Mobile Banking is the ideal way to stay updated on credit card offers in Egypt or worldwide. Whether you're travelling abroad or are looking for a shopping, dining or leisure experience in Egypt, you'll never miss out again.
banking business,指银行业务,如揽储,汇款等 banking sector,指金融业里的银行板块 BANKER 银行家 还是 银行从业者? 如果说bank和banking都挺好理解的,不少人会胡乱根据自己的理解,随口用BANKER一词。 有个”烂get"(广东话,意思是不好笑的高冷笑话),说有一位西装力挺的外籍朋友和你握手说,“Hi,I am Banker. ...
Take control of your finances with a range of ways to bank online. From Internet Banking to the M&S Banking App – find out all the information you need.
Merrill Edge Advisory Center is a trademark and SafeBalance Banking, Merrill Edge, Bank of America and the Bank of America logo are registered trademarks of the Bank of America Corporation. Deposit products and services are provided by Bank of America, N.A. and affiliated banks, Members FDIC ...
Our extensive worldwide network makes international banking secure, easy and seamless to support and manage our clients' financial needs.
Banking 还是 Consulting ?这是个问题! 一、投行 即Investment Bank,投资银行,在国内一般称为券商。 大型的华尔街投行(现在那些大型的欧洲投行也纳入了其中)有个俗称叫做bulge bracket,包括大摩,高盛, 摩根大通, 美银美林, 德意志银行, 瑞银, 瑞信, 花旗投行部, 汇丰投行部等等;小型的投行们统称叫做boutique,就不...