Raises the question of whether or not people should invest in banking their own blood for future usage. Increased number of tainted blood supplies being discovered; Unknown white substance seen in numerous bags of blood in the Southern part of the U.S.; How many people make directed blood ...
下面你就会听到有这样一个人来告诉你他的感受,以及他为什么有这种反感。 例句-1:A call from a phone bank when I'm eating dinner or watching TV makes my blood boil! I say, 'Not interested' and hang up the receiver good and hard. 他说:在我吃饭或...
The hospital has its own blood bank. 这家医院自己有血库。 例句: We keep the data in a computer data bank. 我们把资料保存在电脑数据库里。 岸,浅滩 例句: The old man pulled his boat toward the bank of the river. 老人把船向河岸划去。
a blood/spermbank 血/ 精液库 牛津词典 He jumped in and swam to the oppositebank. 他跳下水,游到对岸。 牛津词典 Prices starting at £6 a bottle won't break thebank. 每瓶6英镑的起价不算太贵。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...30 miles of new developments along bothbanksof the Thames. ...
You use bank to refer to a store of something. For example, a blood bank is a store of blood that is kept ready for use. e.g. ...Britain's National Police Computer, one of the largest data banks in the world. 英国国家警务计算机系统,世界上最大的数据库之一 ...
ensuring your stem cells’ integrity, your safety and a lifetime supply of your own stem cells, Celltex’s stem cell banking services are designed to give you peace of mind throughout the entire process. And with two levels of banking options, you can be well prepared to manage your ...
The hospital has its own blood bank. 这家医院自己有血库。 例句: We keep the data in a computer data bank. 我们把资料保存在电脑数据库里。 岸,浅滩 例句: The old man pulled his boat toward the bank of the river. 老人把船向河岸划去。 例句: Having exhausted the fuel, we had to strike...
Xytex has 45 years of experience & is the longest running sperm bank! We are also the most selective, tested & successful. Search our sperm donors for free!
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. bank run- the concerted action of depositors who try to withdraw their money from a bank because they think it will fail bank withdrawal- the withdrawal of money from your account at a bank Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Prince...
courier services are not available in your area, your card will be delivered to you in 12 working days through other courier services like Speed Post. Please note : Debit card will be delivered only to the account holder or to the blood relative of the customer after checking the valid ID...