played by Frank Grillo, a getaway driver in a dangerous and mysterious bank robbery plot. But as the plan progresses according to the timeline, he realizes a shocking fact: he has been betrayed by someone who knows every
Meanwhile, the bank’s security team, seeing this masked dude on camera, finally decides to call MCSO about the bank robbery an hour later. So when the cops roll up, ready for action, the place is empty. Not a soul in sight. Not even our wannabeburglarColton. But here’s where it ...
A crypto exchange hired a top lawyer portrayed in a Netflix series about a big bank robbery to help it navigate choppy regulatory watersFrank Chaparro
Before launching his bank robbery spree, Scurlock was a drug dealer. He grew and sold marijuana while working on a tomato farm in Hawaii and used his college chemistry lab to cook methamphetamines in Olympia. It wasn't until his primary distributor was murdered in 1990 that Scurlock stopped d...