银行往来对帐,reconciliation是核对,对帐的意思.如reconciliation of bank accounts意为银行帐目的核对.definition of bank reconciliation - The process of adjusting an account balance reported by a bank to reflect transactions that have occurred since the reporting date.
bank reconciliation statement银行往来调节表, 银行核对单 bank reconciliation schedule【经】 银行往来调节表 相似单词 reconciliationn. 1.调停 2.一致 bankn. 1.银行 2.[the Bank]<英>英格兰银行,(在香港指)汇丰银行 3.储蓄箱,扑满 4.库(尤指储藏血液、数据等以备应用的设备),库存 5.(赌博的)庄家 6.庄...
银行往来对帐,reconciliation是核对,对帐的意思。如reconciliation of bank accounts意为银行帐目的核对。英文解释:definition of bank reconciliation - The process of adjusting an account balance reported by a bank to reflect transactions that have occurred since the reporting date.参考资料:www.in...
Through bank reconciliation, you can spot errors and resolve discrepancies. This includes spotting funds or deposits you may have missed, tracking interests and fees from the bank, identifying duplicate or fraudulent payments, and finally checking if you have accurate records of your AR (accounts rec...
reconciliation of bank accounts 银行帐目的核对 reconciliation account 调节帐户 release of bank account 解冻银行存款 reconciling bank account 调节银行存款帐户 blocked bank account n. 冻结银行帐户 bank account n.<美>银行存款,银行往来帐 相似...
1.thelastreconciledbankstatements2.reportsshowingthebalancedreconciliationandtheoutstandingchequesanddepositslistedindetail.GeneralRules •DonotpostanyGeneralLedgerJournalEntriestothebankGLaccountfortheperiodsthatwillbereconciledwithinAccpacERP.•AccountsReceivableReceiptbatchesmustbecreatedusingthebankdepositdateasthe...
Reconciliation of Bank AccountsLarry Walther
Preparepre-cheque for theoverdueaccountssettledat thecurrentmonthbasedonthebankreconciliationstatements. 根据银行往来对帐单,预备当月解决的过期未付款预支支票。 www.job956.com 3. Toprepare thebankreconciliationforcompanyaccountsonweeklybasis. 为了给在每周公司帐户的银行和解。
美 英 un.银行帐目的核对 英汉 un. 1. 银行帐目的核对
You can post bank reconciliation if you have reconciled the bank accounts on the Bank Rec. Worksheet page. After the bank reconciliation has been posted a bank account statement is created and can be viewed on the bank account card. Choose the icon, enter Bank Account Rec...