银行提供的买家资信证明BANK COMFORT LETTER (BCL)资信证明是指由银行或其他金融机构出具的足以证明他人资产、信用状况的各种文件、凭证等。此类证明文件不论以何种名义、形式出具,核心是证明他人拥有某项资产、债权或具有何种程度经济实力等等。�资信证明业务是银行接受客户申请,在银行记录资料的...
X. How to contact us If you have any question, comment or suggestion about our Online Banking, especially those regarding personal information or this Policy, please contact us through the means set forth below and we will in principle respond within 15 days of receiving your question (could ...
especially those regarding personal information or this Policy, please contact us through the means set forth below and we will in principle respond within 15 days (could be extended to a maximum of 60 days depending on the complexity of the situation) of receiving your question, comment or sug...
To believe otherwise is to (a) grossly overstate the power of policy (specifically bank capital policy) and (b) to seriously underweight the capacity of the market and private sector to adapt and adjust. And in all this I’ve implicitly assumed – as the Bank does – that much higher ...
Invest in their personal capacity (but not as joint-name or corporate customers); and Not a vulnerable customer, as assessed by CCB (Asia). Eligible Investment Products Public fixed income wealth management products (which primarily invest in bonds and deposits) and equity wealth ...
If the board of directors does not agree to convene such an extraordinary general meeting, or does not make a response within 10 days after receiving the written request, it shall be deemed as couldn't or doesn't execute the duty of convening such meeting and the board of supervisors has ...
Any standing Instruction in respect of the operation of any Account shall cease to have any effect upon the Bank receiving actual notice of the death, incapacity, bankruptcy or Bank of China Limited (Incorporated in the People's Republic of China) Singapore Branch UEN: S36FC0753G Terms and ...
1. an institution for receiving, lending, and safeguarding money and transacting other financial business. 2. the stock of pieces drawn upon by players in the course of a game, as dominoes. 3. the person or office in a gambling house that holds and distributes cash. 4. a storage pl...
(4) before publishing the announcement of its intention to issue a replacement share certificate, the Bank shall submit a copy of the announcement to be published to the stock exchange where it is listed and may proceed with publication upon receiving confirmation from such stock exchan...